Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 4 – Seasons


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 2 – Butterflies – Green Helicon and Peacock


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Butterflies – Monarch and Butterfly Weed


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 8 – Butterflies – Swallowtail & Great Spearwort, Mourning Cloak, Red Admiral, Passion Flower, Orange Tip, Monarch & Butterfly Weed, Purple Emperor and Peacock


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Butterflies – Monarch


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 2 – Butterflies – Orange Tip and Monarch & Butterfly Weed


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 2 – Butterflies – Swallowtail & Great Spearwort and Red Admiral


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 2 – Butterflies – Monarch and Swallowtail


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Coventry Cathedral Bethlehem Font and Baptistry Window


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Coventry Cathedral Sutherland Tapestry


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Robin & Holly


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Four in Hand


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Bookmark – Bowls


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 4 – Seasons


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Butterflies – Peacock and Honeysuckle
