Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Butterfly – Green and Yellow


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Butterflies x 4 – Common Blue, Passionflower Butterfly, Purple Emperor and Orange Tip


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Butterflies x 4 – Monarch & Butterfly Weed, Peacock & Honeysuckle, Swallowtail & Great Spearwort and Red Admiral and Downy Rose


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Wildlife – Badger


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Wildlife – Red Squirrel


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Wildlife – Hedgehog


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Birds – Grouse


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Birds – Mute Swan with Cygnets


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Birds – Mallard Family


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Coventry – Swanswell Gatehouse


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Coventry -Bablake Hospital


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Coventry – Old and New Cathedrals


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Charles Dickens The Old Curiousity Shop


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures x 2 – Coventry – Lady Godiva Statue and Coventry Cathedrals


Antique Silk Woven Picture of William Tell and his Son
