Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Butterflies – Peacock and Honeysuckle


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Chaffinch


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Coventry Cathedral – St. Michael and the Devil


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Fox and Cubs


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Lady Godiva Statue c1967


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Le Secret


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Priory Row, Coventry


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – Red Deer Fawn


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Picture – The Golden Cross, Coventry


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – 2 x Birds – Eastern Bluebird and Red Breasted Merganser


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – 2 x Birds – House Sparrow and Robin


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Bayley Lane, Coventry


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Birds – Bald Eagle


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Birds – Ring necked Pheasant


Cash’s of Coventry Woven Silk Pictures – Butterfly – Monarch
