Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Butterflies – Peacock


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Butterflies – Peacock


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Cottages x 4 – English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Coventry – Pope John Paul II’s Visit


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Coventry Cathedral – St Michael and the Devil


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Flowers – Aster Alpinus


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Flowers – Hydrangea in Vase


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Flowers – Tiger Lily


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Flowers x 3 – Rose, Violet and Speedwell


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – French Series – Colin Maillard (Blind Man’s Buff)


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – French Series – Heros Du Jour (The Day’s Hero)


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – French Series – Lutte Enfantine (Tug of War)


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – French Series – Premiere Culotte (His First Trousers)


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Great Horned Owl


Cash’s of Coventry Silk Woven Pictures – Great Spotted Woodpecker
